Follow The String

Sometimes I imagine that carry a ball of string with infinite threads that I wrap around everyone I meet, then they take it on their own way. We are all intertwined through these connections. Last summer, I took the spiderweb to Kenya, and passed it off to some beautiful people. Come on in. Watch it grow. Help me learn something.


africa in the news

It's been a big week for the beautiful continent. Here are a few of the more intriguing items:

The new movie Catch a Fire details the story of a South African man fighting the government in the era of apartheid. I'm excited to see this.

NPR's Morning Edition is running a series on Africa's lagging development, focusing on major factors that have restricted (specifically Sub-Saharan Africa) from catching up with other developing countries. Today they focused on the problems of governmental corruption (Zimbabwe is a prime example).

ONE and Bono are working on some cool projects: This Sunday is ONE's Day of Action and Bono introduced a new concept (RED) this last week. Proceeds from their products will go to combat AIDS in Africa. In my understanding ONE is action and politically based while (RED) is commerce geared. I love that they're recognizing the power of providing employment.

Potential school cutbacks and shortfalls in Kenya. For a country that prides itself on it's HIGH education and literacy rates, this is not good.

Update: Wow. Check this out. (Thanks Sarah!) It's a beautiful excerpt of a CNN piece from last month on what they're doing in rural Massai lands in Kenya to combat AIDS and help get healthcare where it's needed. Sometimes simpler IS better.


At 4:30 PM, Blogger Esue said...

bono will be on my buddy oprah's show friday introducing the RED concept. Check it. This Friday, Bono will be a guest on Oprah to help introduce (Product) RED to the United States. (RED) is the simple idea that what we buy can change the world. It’s not a charity. It’s a brand created to raise money for the Global Fund by teaming up with the world’s most iconic brands including Armani, Converse, GAP, and Motorola. Every (RED) product will raise not only money, but awareness.

Rock on.


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