Follow The String

Sometimes I imagine that carry a ball of string with infinite threads that I wrap around everyone I meet, then they take it on their own way. We are all intertwined through these connections. Last summer, I took the spiderweb to Kenya, and passed it off to some beautiful people. Come on in. Watch it grow. Help me learn something.


In 25 years, I've learned one thing:

...God just loves me more on snow days.

I know you're not supposed to think that God loves you more and less sometimes, but I guess He just shows it better when there's white stuff lying about.

KC got our first winter storm last night and by nightfall, the trees' chilly little branches were covered with icicles and a layer of frost so breathtaking and white.

I love winter. I used to tell everyone it was because my birthday is in January, and I just sort of assumed that everyone loved the season around their birthday. Maybe the wisdom of age has crept into my reasoning, but now I love it because of the forced rest and hibernation that the season brings.

I think God recognizes that we are like tops spinning out of control. We've asked some well-intentioned little child to wind us up and let us go, but we underestimated his strength and now can't stop turning. During the winter, He stops gravity and slows us down. He interceeds with snowdrifts physically keeping our doors closed. With ice-covered doors. With school and business closings. With the effort of bundling up proving to be too much to bear.

In Iowa, He interceeded by making us simply slow down a little. You'd have to take more time in the morning before rushing out the door because you couldn't drive through 5" of snow on your driveway. But we were a seasoned people - not much got canceled unless it was too cold for your own good. A little snow? Meh. Take your time, get in to work when you can.

This new city of mine proves a little more curious. People here rush about more quickly than Iowans. The lack of winter driving practice induces panic. In short - they FREAK out about winter weather. Yesterday morning my colleagues were already discussing what time we should be leaving. Our offices closed at 2:45. When I hit the highway, I was in good company. Almost every downtown business was releasing their employees before the rush hour.

The news was on all through the night. Last night's local news pre-empted national coverage during this small(ish) ice storm. Schools (and not just rural ones) were cancelling today's classes by suppertime.

The first winter I lived here, I remember shaking my head in disbelief. Seriously? Why was everyone so paralyzed? It's just a little ice and snow! Then, after my first KC winter storm, I spent 2 1/2 hours trying to get home. The drivers all forget how to drive. People slam on their breaks and gawk and everything is like anarchy acted out with hot wheels cars.

So, still a hearty Iowan inside, I embrace the craziness of my new city. Because of their anxiety I am enjoying this beautiful snow day from the comfort of my cozy little abode. Because of them, I am slowed, stilled, and reminded of one extra-super-special way that God loves me. In the fluttering white stuff.


At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know Ally, I've never looked at it that way. I guess I should embrace the paranoid Kansas City folks ways with cold and snow and know in my heart that since I'm a tried and true snow boy, that I COULD be out there if I wanted to, but choose to chill because everyone else is freaked out.

In other words, I should quit cussing them and appreciate the added time off they afford me.



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