Follow The String

Sometimes I imagine that carry a ball of string with infinite threads that I wrap around everyone I meet, then they take it on their own way. We are all intertwined through these connections. Last summer, I took the spiderweb to Kenya, and passed it off to some beautiful people. Come on in. Watch it grow. Help me learn something.


missing my homeland

Tonight would be a great night to be an Iowan again.

I just talked with my Dad, who'll be heading over to the local elementary school tonight to stand up and participate with my Mom in the democratic party's caucus. (Full disclosure: it does give me chills to type the word DEMOCRAT.)

We discussed why he's choosing a particular candidate, what political gaffes candidates are getting skewered for (Huckabee's crossing the picket line), who's "buying their way in" (cough, cough, Romney), and the criticism of the Iowa caucus. My Dad was a U.S. History & Government teacher back in the day, so these talks are always rich and mentally stimulating.

In the course of our conversation, I started to toe the pundit's line about "things being unfair because they're held at a certain time and you have to physically stand behind a candidate, not cast a ballot," but then Dad pointed out something brilliant. Iowans don't care. They aren't the ones complaining.

And this, my friends, is why I love Iowa.

Iowans get wrapped up in all the election hoopla, but something about it is different. Like it doesn't go to their heads.

They'll vote, then wait to do it again come November.

They won't bitch about a system that works for them, and has since the farm days.

People will go listen to 6 different candidates during the primary season and then decide tonight.

The Des Moines Register will report on each candidate (quite well, I'd add) and then this weekend, go back to other reporting, not speculating on how cool they were.

So maybe there's more than one reason I wish I was there tonight. Not only to give my boy Obama a caucus-goers endorsement, but because it'd feel good to matter...then go on with life again until November.

Have fun Moms & Pops.


and, erm...Go Obama.

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At 5:42 PM, Blogger Bruce said...

A tear actually came to my eye.....

I've been paying close attention to the goings on in our homeland Ally and truly wish I was there tonight as well. I haven't decided just who I'd throw my vote to yet, but hearing from the variety of folks on the left would sure be nice. All we'll get here in KC is a quick handshake from the politicians and a few attack ads.

Too bad Dennis doesn't have a shot.

: )

At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a quick update from the motherland. Last night's Democratic Caucus was a great lesson in down home politics. The Trish and I went to our local elementary school gymnasium. You all remember how small these places are. Well, over 750 people came to our caucus to participate in the process. HUGE! The fun began with the first vote. But, you could already tell who's candidates were not going to make the 15% first round cutoff. Biden, Dodd, Kuchinich, Richardson and Gravel (who?) were eliminated. I was expecting more fireworks as those voters were to align themselves with their second choice. But it was all pretty orderly. What proved to me that democracy was still alive was when the gentleman who was the Temporary Chairman of the Caucus started going through the procedural part of the night. Their has to be a Permanent Chairman elected. He explained that individuals can nominate themselves. He then sheepishly did so. He asked for any other nominations (there were none). Then he asked for a voice vote on the nomination. It was a loudly resounding AYE. He then said, "well I guess I'm it."

It was a great experience. The only disappointment was that The Trish wanted to be on the winning team. Some things never change.

Love ya,

At 10:07 AM, Blogger Ally said...

Everyone likes to win...and I did! Woot!

Bruce - I like Dennis ok, but it's hard to get behind someone (like my Dad said) that you know doesn't have a shot. I did appreciate that he told his supporters to go Obama if they needed a 2nd choice.

It was a good night for my favorites - KU and Obama!

At 10:14 AM, Blogger Bruce said...

I saw BO's victory speech last night on CNN. I'm now squarely behind him.

I knew Dennis didn't have a prayer, but he lines up a bit more philosophically with my views. In other words he's a leftist commie!!!

: )

I was quite glad to see HRC go down in flames, though she still will be a formidable challenge for BO. I just never warmed up to her and I LOVED Bill, despite his obvious shortcomings.

This should be an interesting spring and summer.

Take care.


At 9:34 PM, Blogger Bruce said...

Darn that HIllary. Getting all misty.....

Come on BO!


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