transitive verb: to satisfy (as a need or desire) fully or to excess
"Open wide your mouth and I will fill it." - Psalm 81:10
I've found that my Bible is like my purple Nalgene water bottle. Able to hold lots of thirst quenching liquid, always at my side in case I decide to take an unexpected trip to the gym or it gets to be 90 degrees outside. It's my thirst contingency plan.
Even more than a trusty water resevoir, it's also become a companion. I've had coffee with it, and on it, come to think of it. I've taken it to dinner. To the park. Introduced its better thoughts with friends. Sought council, wisdom and discernment in its veins. Desperately peered into its mind for comfort, hope and solace.
It took me a while to get that this book wasn't a miraculous oracle, or work of fiction with some good points.
This book kept its promises.
When I studied its teachings deeper, they tended to follow the way the world could be in its finest moments. Things work better when they're peaceful (Psalm 85). When I put my hope in the Lord, I'm blessed (Psalm 146). God knows me intimately (Psalm 139). He is everlasting and eternally loving (Psalm 147).
But why was this ancient book right on?
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning." John 1: 1-2
The reason I'm able to have my thirst quenched, and my fears assuaged is that this book, these archaic words, ARE God. They're words that were with him at the beginning of time. Just because it's old, doesn't mean it's outdated.
I know this is heavy stuff to wrap your mind around in the middle of a busy week.
However, I think the cool part about the Bible's thirst-quenching is that it's portioned out. We don't have to get it all at once, like a fire hydrant satiating our thirst. That would be impossible...not to mention overwhelming and drowning. We're able to turn it on and off like a faucet and it's always full of coolness.
Drink deeply today, and keep your water bottle by your side. You never know when you'll decide to start running...and I know I do better when I'm hydrated.
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