Follow The String

Sometimes I imagine that carry a ball of string with infinite threads that I wrap around everyone I meet, then they take it on their own way. We are all intertwined through these connections. Last summer, I took the spiderweb to Kenya, and passed it off to some beautiful people. Come on in. Watch it grow. Help me learn something.


Monday, Monday

...and a few random observations of coolness:

1. The Nelson-Atkins Museum. I heart. I went to there during my Saturday sabbath, and as usual, loved it. I read this amazing description of Georgia O'Keeffe's husband, Alfred Stieglitz, next to O'Keeffe's painting, Apple Blossoms:

"Stieglitz tended to think of himself as a gardener who was cultivating his talented wife to produce the 'fruit' of American art."

2. Revue boutique on 39th St. I bought a vintage sweater and dress, and once again, rejoiced in the fact that there are local vintage stores that do NOT smell like mothballs, and collect cute things. I've been scrimping and saving, and I HAD to splurge. (Women of KC...RUN, don't walk to Revue.)

3. Unexpected blessings. Just when I thought I knew about generosity, my world was rocked. A co-worker's church, United Believer's Church, made a donation to Upendo. I had never attended their service before yesterday morning, and they believed in my mission enough to get behind it and contribute without even knowing me. Wow.

Once there, I received no less than a hundred hugs from church members, and left feeling like I was floating 3 feet above the ground. God's provision is good. Charity is definitely alive in that church.

4. Telepathic, diligent friends. My crew knows how to reach through to me when I feel overwhelmed. Last night's phone calls with offers of help were like water to my soul. I am now ready to take you up on it. Giddyup.

5. The white stuff. I like snow. I'm looking forward to however much of it the sky spits or spews out tonight.

6. Tuneage. Here's what's making its way through my iPod's hit parade. Directions: Download. Insert white earbuds. Enjoy profusely.

- Sufjan Stevens - Greetings from Michigan: The Great Lakes State. This one's an oldie but a goodie. I like his mellow grooves and heavy use of instrumentals. It's good background music, but the lyrics are worth noting. Recommended track: Oh God, Where Are You Now?

- Stars - Set Yourself on Fire. A new purchase for me, this has been out for awhile. They sort of sound like the Postal Service...and rock my face off. Recommended track: The First Five Times

- Neko Case - Fox Confessor Brings the Blood. I love her album Blacklisted, and this is her newest. I haven't given it the appropriate screening to say it's better than my favorite album, but at first listen, it's classic Neko.

- Prince - 3121. Ok, so I'll be purchasing this tomorrow, when it comes out. Come rain, come snow, come pain of death...that CD will be in my hot little paws, and I guarantee it will be AWE.SOME.


At 8:01 PM, Blogger Esue said...

Sufjan was recommended to me in the dominican...i'm trying it out as I likes! bring on the snow!

At 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to tell you Ally....but I think we've been duped regarding the white stuff....

Glad things are going well. Or at least your blog has that vibe...


At 2:38 PM, Blogger Ally said...

Sadly friends, no "real" snow. Me so sad.

I GUESS I'll have to get jazzed for the warm touch of spring!

B - I'm doin' ok right now...been better, but been worse too.

When I get stressed, it helps to hunt actively for the good side of things. Little lists help me get perspective...and sometimes redirective thinking is just good therapy :)


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