Follow The String

Sometimes I imagine that carry a ball of string with infinite threads that I wrap around everyone I meet, then they take it on their own way. We are all intertwined through these connections. Last summer, I took the spiderweb to Kenya, and passed it off to some beautiful people. Come on in. Watch it grow. Help me learn something.


Dear clamoring reader(s)


I start and end with Ms. Anne Lamott's genius: "Life is terribly time consuming." Agreed. Life has been full of new schedules and all the things that life becomes. Since I last wrote:

-Obama appears poised to make a real go of it (GET OUT AND VOTE ON NOV 4!!!!)

-The new job has begun and it's great. The people at the University of Kansas Hospital are incredibly smart and professional. I had my first event last week and it went well. I'm getting used to totally new systems AND the fact that my wardrobe needed a serious business upgrade. No jeans EVER. For real.

-I'm trying to dig myself out of merely existing. I've been kicking a cold for a week or so now and with all these changes, I get home and camp out on the couch for a few hours. It's not making me smarter, but it is getting me caught up on Heroes. Which you should all start watching.

-To that end, I'm hoping to revive the old flames of my fall inspiration with getting my hands on some Wendell Berry and sitting outside for a bit. Nature brings me back to myself and reminds me of how big God is.

-Mr. Man and I are getting into a really fantastic time. We know each other's foibles and quirks. (We love and are loved in return as Mr. Berry would say.) In the midst of this, because we live together (in sin, some assert), we're facing some pretty craptastic scrutiny from people I haven't given permission to. So we're loving each other harder, giving thanks for those of you that love us, even if you wouldn't make the same choice, and we are remembering that God loves the mess out of us no matter what.

-So, we end in a place of hope and faith. For political hope. For a new job that fulfills. For a love that flourishes and is appreciated. We go on as Anne Lammot asserts: "Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don't give up."



At 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've been struggling with my own mr. man situation. i so desperately want to move in together, but this huge part of me fears what my fellow-christians..and not to mention, my MOTHER, will think/say.

thing is, we practically live together now, i just pay for a really expensive storage unit (re: loft) and spend most my time at his place. i'm literally weeks from signing another year lease somewhere and i'm feeling so frustrated at balancing what i want to do with what i think "church people" will think.

At 6:30 AM, Blogger Ally said...

Hey anonymous...if you want to continue talking, I'd be happy to chat. It's definitely not a step everyone needs to take, but if you're both ready for it, it might be good for you. You can email me at if you want.

At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i emailed you. thanks.


At 11:43 AM, Blogger Bruce said...

There is JOY in Mudville today!!!




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