Follow The String

Sometimes I imagine that carry a ball of string with infinite threads that I wrap around everyone I meet, then they take it on their own way. We are all intertwined through these connections. Last summer, I took the spiderweb to Kenya, and passed it off to some beautiful people. Come on in. Watch it grow. Help me learn something.


Four thoughts

1) Something that makes me proud to be me is my bleeding heart. Sure, it's gotten broken and stepped on, but in the grand scheme of things, it's a blessing. It seems like too many people are afraid to show some emotion and I only wish that people didn't de-value this gift. The world needs more people to be postive and shine some light.

2) Situation you've had to get yourself out of: My Dad has this phrase - "act as if." When we were on vacation in Florida, we'd walk along the beach and go to explore hotels and restaurants where we had no business being. Usually we'd be approached by some security guard and would make up a room where we were staying or a person we were with. After he'd leave us alone, we'd swim in the pool or something stupid like that. Throughout the whole ordeal, my heart would beat furiously (as I HATE even pseudo-authority figures) but it has taught me well...I snuck into bars before I should have and made it into the first few rows for many a baseball game.

3) Time stops in its tracks when I'm enjoying simple pleasures. God shows up in the smallest blessings and I get mesmerized like a child in a candy store. A poem that reaches my heart, weeknight coffee with my best friend, unexpected silence on a walk, a child grabbing her father's hand - all these moments make me wish I had a pause button. I wrote a haiku about a milkshake a week or so ago, and it was all about a lunch I'd had by myself where time seemed to stretch out in front of me. So many Christians think God is all about discipline and refinement (which He is), but he spent a whole lot of time trying to teach us to enjoy the bounty of this world. I guess I'm a hedonist when God reveals things.

4. I realized I was an adult when I decided to go to Kenya. My parents who are incredibly supportive were PETRIFIED and wouldn't back it. As a result, this spoiled little girl had to figure it out for herself and trust that God would make it happen. It still surprises me to this day that I got there. I guess picking an apartment and getting a job were pivotal moments, but taking myself (with the help of my adult family) to another country made me realize that I can do anything through Him that provides.


At 9:16 AM, Blogger myleswerntz said...

yeah, every time i've tried to sneak down for baseball games, i get yelled at. i nearly got ejected from a hockey game in college for sneaking close.

At 8:54 PM, Blogger Ally said...

It's an important issue of timing. You wait until they're other wise engaged, and then walk down like you've already been sitting there.

Never make eye contact.


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